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Tag: Anime R

Anime Studios And Their Local Communities, Regional Training Facilities, And Kyoto Animation’s Ever-evolving Mentorship

Anime Studios And Their Local Communities, Regional Training Facilities, And Kyoto Animation’s Ever-evolving Mentorship

While most anime studios are scattered indistinctly in Tokyo, regional branches and rural studios with distinct cultures are becoming more common. Let’s dig into how their bonds with local communities develop, their affinity for mentorship, and KyoAni’s ever-evolving training systems.

The Animation Studios of Osaka

The Animation Studios of Osaka

As you might know, there are hundreds of anime production companies in Tokyo. That density is beneficial in a way, since this industry somehow still relies on physical delivery of materials quite often, but it has obvious downsides as well; sustaining a company in one of the most expensive cities in the world is no easy task when you’re in such a troubled industry, and the sheer number of them concentrated into one (admittedly vast) place is simply unhealthy. That’s…

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