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Tag: Arifumi Imai

Creators Rebelling Against The Odds: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Production Notes 1-13

Creators Rebelling Against The Odds: Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Production Notes 1-13

At its absolute best, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 is a focused effort to fully realize its directors’ ideas, from the grandest action to the least perceptible details. But at all points, it’s also something else: a fight against an asphyxiating schedule. Let’s catch up with one of the biggest, coolest, but also most troublesome productions of the year.

The Low Profile Brilliance Of Kotomi Deai, Or How A Protegee Of Legendary Directors Became Skip And Loafer’s Inconspicuous Director

The Low Profile Brilliance Of Kotomi Deai, Or How A Protegee Of Legendary Directors Became Skip And Loafer’s Inconspicuous Director

Skip and Loafer is as pleasant as anime gets. Its director is Kotomi Deai, and this is how she went from being a fan of Shinichiro Watanabe, to collaborating with him and other renowned creators, carving her inconspicuous niche in the industry.

The Recipe For An Impossible Animation Team – Princess Connect Re:Dive Season 2 Production Notes

The Recipe For An Impossible Animation Team – Princess Connect Re:Dive Season 2 Production Notes

Princess Connect Re:Dive Season 2 #04 is without a doubt one of the most jaw-dropping action spectacles in recent TV anime, while remaining every bit as charming as the show has been. But who’s responsible for it all, and what does it take for a production to punch so far above its weight?

Ranking of Kings / Ousama Ranking – Production Notes 01-03

Ranking of Kings / Ousama Ranking – Production Notes 01-03

Despite being a directorial debut for Yosuke Hatta, the cohesive clarity of Ousama Ranking makes it a masterclass in adaptation already. And so it’s time to explore the series’ background, as well as the role that the anime’s pointed subjectivity has in turning a childlike tale into a polished epic adventure without compromising its core.

Fall 2021 Anime Overview

Fall 2021 Anime Overview

The Fall 2021 anime season is frontloaded with a few truly exceptional creative efforts, then chockful of titles with interesting teams having to brawl with this industry’s circumstances. Let’s dive deep into a season that, for the good and the bad, is very representative of anime’s current state.

Attack On Titan At Its WIT’s End

Attack On Titan At Its WIT’s End

After verifying the leaks that qualified people at studio WIT have indeed said they’re done with Attack on Titan, we wrote about the staff that gave the show such a distinct identity and what could happen in the future if that turns out to be true. Big news for sure, but don’t panic quite yet.

Fate/Apocrypha – Production Notes 13-14

Fate/Apocrypha – Production Notes 13-14

We’re almost as behind on the coverage of Fate/Apocrypha as studio A-1 is on its production, but it remains a project that’s earned its right to be covered in detail without skipping to its most recent accolades. You can expect these posts to go up very consistently so that we can be fully caught up soon. But for now, here’s the beginning of its second cours!