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Tag: Tomoya Kitagawa

Resourcefulness Reigns Supreme – Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Production Notes 05-10

Resourcefulness Reigns Supreme – Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Production Notes 05-10

While fans tend to think about production circumstances as black and white, Frieren exemplifies what success tends to look like in the real world: a result of resourceful management, delegation of the right tasks to the right people, and ingenuous solutions to tricky situations.

Crafting A Tangible, Aging World – Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Production Notes 01-04

Crafting A Tangible, Aging World – Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Production Notes 01-04

Frieren is, at its best, a story tightly written about time; its passage, how different people perceive it, and the tangible marks it leaves in the world and its inhabitants. Its anime adaptation is a beautiful spectacle, but what makes it truly extraordinary is how it imagines that setting and people beyond the original boundaries, solidifying their existence so that you can feel their aging almost physically.