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Day: April 26, 2018

Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan Production Notes 02

Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan Production Notes 02

HisoMaso is back with a much more grounded character episode… as much as you can ground a jet dragon to the floor, anyway. The series is living up to the expectations, not only when it comes to the content of the series but also the wonderful ending that all pre-screening attendees had already been charmed by. Let’s look at the team who’s making this delightfully unique series possible!

Keeping The Anime Industry Afloat From The Shadows: Wanpack And Outsourcing Studios

Keeping The Anime Industry Afloat From The Shadows: Wanpack And Outsourcing Studios

It’s no exaggeration to say that outsourcing studios keep anime alive, and yet fans are still mostly unaware of their integral role in the production of their favorite shows. The disappearance of Studio Wanpack, the biggest company of this kind, serves as an opportunity to explain just how important they were, and also what’s been happening to the many animators who worked for them.