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Month: March 2017

Anime Craft Weekly #33: Kyoto Animation Studio Tour

Anime Craft Weekly #33: Kyoto Animation Studio Tour

Photos of Kyoto Animation’s new building have been surfacing as it was being built, thanks to very dedicated fans. It seems like there’s quite a lot of confusion about this development even within the Japanese fandom though, so let’s explore KyoAni’s studios and their specific purposes!

Sword Art Online Chief Animation Directors Interview – Shingo Adachi & Tetsuya Kawakami

Sword Art Online Chief Animation Directors Interview – Shingo Adachi & Tetsuya Kawakami

As the Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale film begins its worldwide screenings, our collaborator megax decided to translate some interviews with the key creators on the series. This one relates to the production of the first season and features its Chief Animation Director duo giving plenty of insight into the project, as well as their feelings towards the title. Chief Animation Director interview Shingo Adachi & Tetsuya Kawakami